Did Jerry Jones slam Dak Prescott and compare him to Tony Romo?

There’s trouble brewing between Dak Prescott and Jerry Jones. The Cowboys owner thinks Dallas would have beaten Seattle with Tony Romo at quarterback.

When the Cowboys failed to reach a long-term deal with Dak Prescott this summer most fans explained it away as a simple disagreement over economics.

Now it’s clear that Jerry Jones might have a different issue with his starting quarterback.

The Dallas owner recently took to the airwaves to discuss his team’s latest loss to the Seahawks. Specifically, he had some interesting thoughts about Prescott’s inability to secure a victory on the last play of the game. Jones believes that a quarterback like Patrick Mahomes or Tony Romo would have gotten the Cowboys in the win column under the same circumstances.

There is, however, some pushback to whether or not this was actually a dig or just a winding and long-winded answer that has since been misinterpreted. With some more context to the quote, it seems like Jones is rambling and may actually have done the opposite of slam Dak and actually complimented him by putting him in great quarterback comapny.

You be the judge.

Dak is in a contract year, and every single thing that relates to how much the Cowboys may or may not have to pay him should rightfully be scrutinized. Keep in mind that if Jones had paid Dak this offseason, none of this would be as big of an issue.

As far as potential comparisons to Romo, remember that he didn’t even manage to reach a conference championship during his time with the Cowboys. He was a very good quarterback, but he doesn’t deserve to be considered anything close to an all-time great. Jones’ decision to insult Prescott at Romo’s expense raises a lot of understandable questions about his view of the team’s current quarterback.

Expect the Cowboys to walk this statement back as soon as possible. The last thing this franchise needs is a high-profile controversy between their owner and star quarterback. Even if Jones doesn’t believe Prescott is the guy to lead Dallas to the promised land, it doesn’t do him any good to admit it publicly.

Next: Cowboys blew the Dak Prescott negotiations and here’s why

It’s still not a statement that will be forgotten by Prescott or his camp anytime soon. It’s the sort of foolish statement that might cause him to seriously consider leaving the Cowboys in free agency. At the very least, it’s an insult that will likely cost Jones millions of dollars when he finally is able to lock Prescott up to a long-term deal.

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